Virar's Services

Physiotherapy assessment and treatment

The assessment and treatment process are important and we provide ample opportunity to be thorough in this aspect. Our assessment includes history taking, strength and flexibility measurements, palpation for tenderness, spasms, joint restrictions or instability, posture, ergonomics, lifestyle etc.
Our treatment covers the spectrum of manual therapy including soft tissue and joint mobilization, electrotherapy modalities such as ultrasound therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential therapy, heat, cryo-therapy, clinical laser therapy, mechanical traction, shockwave therapy, dry needling and therapeutic exercises.
Instead of treating symptoms, the focus of each therapy session is to identify and work on the root-cause of the issue, so as to not just have a “quick-fix” but to prevent re-occurrence.
Full time students are given special rates. (Terms and Conditions apply)

Paediatric Physiotherapy

We treat infants and children with various musculoskeletal, neurological and chest conditions. Congenital musculoskeletal conditions such as torticollis and clubfoot are treated with taping and stretches to correct the abnormalities. Neurological conditions like cerebral palsy and head injuries are treated to facilitate movement and growth to reach their milestones. Chest physiotherapy is used to improve airway clearance and prevent lung collapse in infants & children with acute or chronic respiratory disorders.

Women’s Health

The women's health service is for treatment, assessment and guidance in obstetric and gynaecological care. We provide pre & post-natal care for musculoskeletal conditions, incontinence and pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Sports Massage

Pre and post event sports massage is provided by our experienced staff at reasonable rates.
Sports massage is ideal for sports people who are training at full capacity & need specific attention in balancing overworked muscles.
However anyone who engages in any form of physical activity or exercise at any level can still benefit from sports massage as it helps to reduce muscle tightness/soreness and prevent injuries.
Students are given special discounts. (Terms and conditions apply)

Talks and workshops

We provide talks and workshops on various health related topics for schools and corporate clients. The talks are tailored to suit our clients’ needs. Some topics include:
- Osteoporosis
- Back & Neck Care
- Office Ergonomics
- Self-massage
- Sports taping

Home Rehabilitation

The home rehabilitation service is provided for patients who have difficulty commuting. We have portable electrotherapy equipment to facilitate your recovery.